When i was dealing with coded UI ,Selenium and Appium test result reporting i found this super cool reporting framework called "ExtentReports".
I love the UI.
And this can be use with MSTest and Nunit framework too.
Below are the steps to how to deal with the ExtentReports on
1. Downloadthe latest ExtentReports DLL, or use this command with NuGet manager.
2. Add the
downloaded file as a reference.
3. Use the
namespace “using
RelevantCodes.ExtentReports;” in order to use the newly downloaded dll.
4. Then on
your test project at the class level define below variables;
public static ExtentTest test { get; set; }
public static ExtentReports extent { get; set; }
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
5. Use an
assembly initialize attribute and provide the folder for the HTML report.
static public void TestSetUp(TestContext TestContext)
extent = new ExtentReports("../../Reports/ExtentScreenshot.html", true);
6. Inside your test method write down the things or steps
that you are performing by the Extended Reports way as on below.
public void Test_OtherTestatNewClass()
test = extent.StartTest("Test case one");<-Test
case name.
test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Start Compairing two values");<-Explain the step
Assert.AreEqual("123", "1233");
test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "End Compairing two values");
LogStatus status = test.GetCurrentStatus();
test.Log(LogStatus.Info, "Test Finished");
test.Log(LogStatus.Pass, "Test Passed");
7. Then use a test cleanup method and it will do the things if
the above test get failed.
public void LogError()
var status = TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.ToString();
var status2 = Console.Error.ToString();
if (status =="Failed")
test.Log(LogStatus.Fail,"Test Failed");
8. Then at last use an assembly cleanup method in order to
write everything to the the HTML file
static public void EndReport()
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