Tuesday, April 9, 2019

[Solved] Start pointer [line=185, lineOffset=32] should be before end pointer - Exception of sonar

I was using jenkins version - 2.168 and Sonar version - 6.4 with c# plugin sonar-csharp-plugin-
When i try to analyze a c# project I got this error and the sonar analisis get failed.

I tried with ;

  1. Changing the sonar c# plugin. (Started from 5.XXX ro 6.XXX).
  2. Disabling some of the rules.(At one point I disable all the rules). But no luck.

So I exclude some of the folders of the project and it works.

So the actual issue is with a one .cs file so I was able to isolate that file and permanently exclude that file form the sonar analysis workspace.