Thursday, March 22, 2018

Sonar EXECUTION FAILURE- "Start pointer should be before end pointer."

10:58:34.592 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
10:58:34.592 INFO: Total time: 1:00.563s
10:58:34.650 INFO: Final Memory: 41M/105M
10:58:34.650 INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
10:58:34.651 ERROR: Error during SonarQube Scanner execution
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Start pointer [line=10, lineOffset=0] should be before end pointer [line=10, lineOffset=0]
 at org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.DefaultInputFile.newRangeValidPointers(
 at org.sonar.api.batch.fs.internal.DefaultInputFile.newRange(
 at org.sonarsource.dotnet.shared.plugins.SensorContextUtils.toTextRange(
 at org.sonarsource.dotnet.shared.plugins.protobuf.IssuesImporter.importMessage(

Above is the sample output of my sonar execution failure output.
Above out put is for a C# project.
I was looking for a fix to resolve this issue.
Some have mention to disable some of the c# rules on the sonar profile.
But it didnt work for me.

So i update the sonar c# plugin from the sonar update center.
But still NO LUCK.

Then I manually download an older version of sonar-csharp-plugin and try to execute the sonar scanner.
But still NO LUCK.

Then i tried with more older versions and finally sonar-csharp-plugin-5.1-RC3.jar and it works well.

URL for older versions of sonar c sharp plugin