Monday, June 30, 2014

USB debugging over wifi

Move to wireless world :D

No need to connect the android phone via a USB cable to android development tools or any other applications to debug the code.

Just follow the below steps.

Connect the phone to WiFi network.(you PC need to be with the same network [wire or wireless])
Navigate to WiFi settings an get the mobile phone ip address as on the below image.

Connect the device to PC using a USB cable (just for the 1st time :) )
Open a command prompt and type "adb tcpip 5555"
Disconnect from the the USB cable.

It will take little bit of time.
The type adb connect <DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS>:5555

Replace the <DEVICE_IP_ADDRESS> with the IP address of your mobile phone.

Then you should get a message saying "connected to"

Yooooou are done.........

Type "adb devices" to list your device.